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Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5.1) – NIELIT O Level

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Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5.1)

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Each exam has 100 questions & Answers randomly.

You will get 2 hrs to complete the test.

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1) Automatic control system is Also Known As

2) The following is (are) non-verbal communication:

3) Which statement is true in concern with Request-response IoT communication model?

4) Which Layer of TCP/IP model perform the function of top three layers of the OSI model

5) Which of the following should microcontroller at least should consist of?

6) Which of these is used as a form of greetings for business people

7) _____ is the process of indentifying a person before giving an access?

8) Without _______ Arduino cannot be run.

9) When speaking to business associates or customers, always open the conversation to questions and …..?

10) In a capacitive type humidity sensor, how many different types of failures have you seen?

11) What is the full form of Wi-Fi

12) MQTT stands for :

13) __________considers personality in terms of the status of the person in the group, like how he/she consider his/her conception about his role in the group of which he/she is a member.

14) Which of the following is not an element of threat modelling?

15) IoT and cloud computing has what kind of relationship ?


17) What is the objective of the code given below if it is executed on the Arduino Uno?

int pin=13;
void setup(){
 void loop(){
for(int i-0; i

18) loT devices can easily lead to catastrophe without

19) Which of the following stores your application program in the microcontroller.

20) coap://localhost:4589/Temperature/temp 1, here the 4589 is:

21) Arduino uno have ____ size of program memory

22) Which of the Arduino pins is connected to the Data5 (D5) pin on the 16x2 character LCD?

23) Which of the following is not a guided medium?

24) Which of these may convey arrogance?

25) The components of a sensor node is _____ .

26) A wireless network uses _____ waves to transmit signals.

27) Who created Bitcoin

28) Actuators can be


30) Identity the challenge coming under securing the information.

31) The full form of LoRa is:

32) Analog pins _____ the signals from an analog sensor.

33) GPRS stands for

34) Social letters include _____ letters.

35) Which of the following is not a main element of IoT

36) NFC stands for


38) A closed loop system is distinguished from open loop system by which of the following ?

39) OSI Model Developed by

40) What does p prefer to in ATmega328p?

41) Personality is the combination of ___________factors.

42) Application are of 8051 Microcontroller

43) This output signal is feedback so that it subtract from the input signal

44) What type of interface is used by fingerprint sensors to collect data?

45) What is the process to check whether the following ways ? previous stages of reading have been followed properly?

46) What is a private key?

47) What is the full form of SIM

48) The ____ transportation brings some new control :

49) Predict the output of the following code if the object is moving towards the sensor.

int op = 6;
int isBarrier = HIGH;
void setup() {
pinMode(op, INPUT)
void loop(){
isBarrier = digitalRead(op);
if (isBarrier == LOW) {

50) Natural control system

51) Dictionary attacks is a kind of

52) A microcontroller is a small, low cost and self contained computer on a chip that can be used as an _____ .

53) What will be the output of the following code


void solve0{

int b 4;

int res = b++ + ++b + ++b

printf("%d"', res);


int main(){


return 0;


54) Functions can pass information in which of the following ways ?

55) Environment in which we live also effect on culture and the geographical environment sometimes determines cultural variability is ___________.

56) Which of the following entities cannot used for libel?

57) When it first appeared in English, the word ‘personality’ referred to what?

58) Which of the following electromechanical device that will measure acceleration forces?

59) The process of removing certain band of frequencies from a signal while permitting other is called as

60) Which of the following is used to capture data from the physical world in IoT devices?

61) A system the utilize a device to control the process without using feedback

62) _______ Sensors produce digital outputs that can be directly interfaced with the digital controller

63) full form of iot?

64) IoT is based on.. technology?


66) Which of the following is not an asset in a typical loT System?

67) Which one is not the feature of M2M?

68) _________ are the characteristics of IOT

69) The temperature and humidity sensor values are printed in .

70) How to research and enquire about the company?

71) The core element is operated by :

72) In which message format is the statue line present?

73) According to Davis, personality is a psychic phenomenon which is:

74) _____communication is the process of exchange of information or message between two or more persons through written or oral words.

75) The process of converting data into a format that can not be read by another user

76) Which of following is/are suggested time management technique(s)?

77) Code writing and uploading into the board is done using _____?

78) The acronym OSI stands for ___ in computer networking.

79) Some of the compile errors are

80) What will be the output of the following code?

int main()
int i=25;
int k=i%4;
81) The different wireless standards used in cellular networks:


82) Which of the following statement(s) are true about serial communication

83) The default method(s) in Arduino program is/are

84) Personality is not just one or more aspect of behaviour, but it is one's total integrated behaviour, this characteristic of personality is known as:

85) Internet of Things needs a IOT of network connection. What is the proposed "White Space" radio standard called?

86) Microcontroller used in Arduino UNO prototyping board is

87) What is the standard form of LLNN?

88) Sensor generates an output signal based on_____

89) __________ is the self-concept is what we think about the self.


91) is heart of Computer system

92) The huge numbers of devices connected to the Internet of things have to communicate automatically is called.

93) The smallest difference that a sensor can detect is:

94) ARM stands for -

95) The loT networks that has a very short range is?

96) Which of these actions does a hydraulic cylinder perform

97) API stands for

98) The OSI layer that arranges signals into logical units of information called frames:

99) Which one out of these is not a data link layer technology:

100) End to end connection is established by...protocol of the TCP/IP suite?

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